Analyzing and reporting data

Analyzing and reporting data

Good data on SPP uptake can be fed into dashboards and reports to allow policy makers and enforcement authorities a high level overview of SPP procurement side by side with policy and legislative targets as well as other metrics.

This connection between what policy or legislation are trying to achieve and the evidence around it creates a virtuous cycle that allows changes to targets and benchmarks based on the evidence. This means that policy makers can set expanded, better targets or revise their original targets based on the evidence. This approach can be expanded to include other national KPIs (for instance, transparency in procurement).

Within SPP, this approach can be used to revise SPP targets for continuous improvement:

Year    | SPP count*   | Policy     |
        | (actual)     | Target     |  
2017    | 56%          | 70%        |    
2018    | 69%          | 70%        |    
2019    | 73%          | 70%        |    
2020    | 74%          | 75%        |    
2021    | 76%          | 75%        |  

*count as a %age of all procurement

A policy target has been set to make at least 70% of all procurements SPP by 2021
Tracking the policy target shows near compliance by 2018: 69%.
By 2019 the target has been exceeded: 73% against 70%. 
Therefore a new, more ambitious target of 75% is set for 2020
This is exceeded in 2021, allowing for scope to increase the target

It can also be used to refine existing KPIs in more detail. For instance, say a government achieves a 95% target over Green procurement. This can lead to an assessment of how to improve the specification around Green procurements to include more measures, e.g. adding measures beyond carbon to include plastic waste, or adding more SPPs. With such a high take up rate, changes are likely to be implemented more comprehensively than before and any falls can be addressed through the same approach that led to the 95% rate in the first place.

With the data structure properly in place and the data available over time, reports around this data can be fed into dashboards that allow users to filter based on buyer, supplier, category, whether or not a flag is in place, whether or not a notice is in scope.