AccueilIntroductionComment utiliserDefinitionVous avez demandéesPlanificationMise en placePrioritésSuivi et évaluationDes mécanismes d’assistancePlan d’actionMise en placeÉvaluer les besoins réelsChoisir une méthode de passation de marchésInteragir avec le marchéDes critères de durabilitéObligations contractuellesSuivi de l’exécutionDonnées ouvertes et évaluation des progrèsPossibilités d’utilisation des donnéesL’adoption des pratiques durablesLa réduction des émissions de carboneL’inclusion des genresLe coût du cycle de vieOrientations sectoriellesLa construction (en anglais)Le secteur TIC (en anglais)
Ressources pratiquesRépertoire de ressourcesBase de données d’études de casGuide des éco-étiquettesFoire aux questionsIn 2006, Scotland’s Forth Road Bridge showed in signs of significant deterioration. After a review, it was decided that a new bridge would be built next to the existing one. Due to the complexity of the project, Transport Scotland decided to engage with the market in order to gain knowledge and assess the procurement plan.
This was done by organising an Industry Day with top contractors, where a Questionnaire was distributed. Following this, bilateral conversations were established with suppliers to come up with the best possible plan. These activities shaped many aspects of the procurement procedure, including contract details and the employer’s requirements. Following this, bilateral conversations were established with suppliers to come up with the best possible plan.
These activities shaped many aspects of the procurement procedure, including contract details and the employer’s requirements.